Thursday, January 22, 2009

Long-overdue update

Baylus has already had her first Christmas! She's growing up so fast. Baylus is eating solid foods, sitting up by herself, and rolling all over the place. She is still a happy happy baby, and she has settled into a nap schedule (sort of) which makes for a happy mama! Baylus still sleeps like a champ at night, and she is so big! At her last checkup, she weighed 17.9 pounds and was 26 1/4 inches tall! That's the 90th percentile in weight (huge) and 75th percentile in height. Baylus loves kindermusik, and she has started to go to Mother's Day Out once a week.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Baylus in L.A.

Baylus is becoming quite the traveller at the tender age of five months! We recently took her to Los Angeles, where she had a ball! Baylus walked around West Hollywood, did some shopping at the Beverly Center, visited Olvera Street during the Semana de Guadalupe, had a bottle by the Pacific Ocean, and had her picture taken with Santa at the Grove. She was a champ on the plane both ways, and she made friends everywhere she went.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

First food, first Halloween, and first friends!

Baylus had her first "solid" food today! Just a little rice cereal mixed with formula, but we are so excited to introduce her to real food! She'll eat the rice cereal for about a month and then move on to vegetables. Baylus had a good Halloween, and she dressed up like a ladybug for a while, and also a pumpkin! We only had one trick-or-treater, so we didn't really get to show her off, but I think she liked being snuggled up in the ladybug costume. The last picture is Baylus with her mommy group friends. They were hilarious all laid on the play mat together. There's also a pic of her in her little basinette taking a precious!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Baylus goes to New York!

Baylus had a lot of firsts in October! Her first plane ride (see above), her first trip to NYC, her first subway ride, first trip to a museum, first cab ride, on and on I could go! We spent a long weekend in New York recently and we hit the ground running! As you can see from the pics below, Baylus visited the MOMA, the Met, Central Park, and Bleecker Street, among other sites. She slept for most of the plane ride to New York, and only cried for about a minute on the trip back to Memphis. Baylus had her portrait done in Times Square and got some new digs from Lucky Wang, the coolest baby store ever! She put up with being dragged all over the city, from Chelsea to see Kelly and Jodi all the way to midtown east, where we met Doug and Martha at the Oyster Bar at Grand Central. Our friend Aja went with us and took care of Baylus two of the three nights (Thanks, Aja!) We had a great time, but regret that we did not get to spend time with so many of our family and friends living in New York. Hopefully our next visit will be sooner than later!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Baylus at thirteen and a half weeks

Baylus is growing so fast! She is learning to control her hands, and she loves to swat at her rattles to make them shake. Baylus loves to go on walks with mom almost every day. As you can see from the picture below, she has a huge cowlick that sticks straight up off of her head most days. Baylus just started sleeping in her crib a few nights ago, and she is doing great! She goes to bed around 8PM every night after saying goodnight to her lion, her ballerina, her stuffed animals, her lamp, and her mom and dad, and she has fun laughing at the mobile her dad hung up over her bed for her. Baylus was baptized this weekend, and we will post pictures of the blessed event as soon as possible.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Baylus update!

Here are a whole bunch of new pictures of our little Baylus! She has grown up so much in the past few weeks, she already weighs over twelve pounds! We can't believe it has been ten and a half weeks. Baylus smiles and laughs a lot, and she has recently discovered her tongue and her hands. She loves to click her tongue, and she grabs at her bottles and just about anything you put in front of her cute little face.

Baylus goes to kindermusik on Wednesdays, hence the nametag in the one picture. She loves getting twirled around the room and sung to by her classmates' parents, and playing with her friends Allie and Cora at our mommy group outings to the botanic gardens! OK, she doesn't do much playing, but I think she enjoys strolling around the gardens and looking at all of the pretty colors!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Baylus loves her pacifier

Here is a silly video of Baylus with her beloved pacifier.